A great stay-cation backyard environment for family and friends in Lincroft, NJ. Custom inground swimming pool and spa with firepit, outdoor BBQ and small fridge make this space just right for summer lounging. The pool slide is always enjoyed by both adults and children and the waterfalls add the ambience of a resort. Imagine sipping on Pina Coladas in the deep summer heat and then going for a long basking in the pool at just the right temperature. With propane heat lamps, evenings are still enjoyable and visitors can stay well into the night. The hardscaping is designed with detail as much as the surrounding landscape design…a great deal of thought goes into each appointment or aspect of your backyard project. The best part is that you will work with just one company vs. several and that makes the process easier for you. Get in touch with us soon to schedule your backyard transformation for this year and make your vision a reality.